A Miracle Weight Loss Product

If you are like a lot of people (myself included) you find that you need to lose some excess weight but don’t want to deal with hunger, measuring portions or strenuous excercise….there is an amazing product that I have ran across called ACE.

Not only does it kill your hunger, it provides you with loads of energy so it has two major benefits, help you  lose weight and help your energy levels…I was sent samples and lost 15 lbs. in one week even with being on vacation and I had tons of energy.

So if you are looking for a product to help you not only look better and feel better but gives you a major boost of energy as well, Contact Rhonda Hunter…..you can visit her website here and she can give you more information…..When you visit her site let her know you saw it on my blog…thanks


By Jaded1

A Letter to My 16 year old Self

Dear 16 year old self:

I am a middle aged woman that is looking back with some regrets at what she did with her life and I would like to help you make the right decisions when the time comes, so if you will indulge me I would like to share some things with you.

Don’t be in a hurry to grow up enjoy your family and friends and your freedom because all too soon you will be faced with many grown up problems and options and your care free days will be gone. Cherish your parents because in about 31 years from now you are going to lose your mom and you will regret not spending more time with her and learn what she wants to teach you, it is a tough thing to go through you have something wonderful or need her advice you go to reach for the phone and realize she is not there, she didn’t get to see her grand children being born…yes you will be a mother to 2 beautiful children a boy and a girl.

Go to college, I made the mistake and went to work instead of using my scholarships and going into college, don’t make that mistake it will come back to haunt you in the end, always strive to learn.

Stay away from a guy named Jeff, and if he approaches you run screaming the other way don’t let him take the one thing you could give your future husband someday, don’t waste 3 years of your life on this guy those are 3 years you can never get back..Respect yourself enough to wait until you meet that right person.

Enjoy being single while you are, you will be getting married when you are 32, so that gives you a lot of time to be single and have fun and live your life on your own terms, don’t answer to anyone but yourself…..make sure you have a lot of fun and make sure when you look back in 20 years you don’t feel sad that the carefree and young woman you are is a distant memory.

You will kiss a lot of frogs but one day when you are at that magic age of 30 you are going to meet the man of your dreams and you will kn0w what it means to be truly loved, you will get married and have children..the only difference is you will look back and not mourn for the woman you were but be comfortable enough to face the second half of your life.

So in closing laugh hard, live life and love often and cherish these years because before you know it you will be where I am…….

By Jaded1

The Heat Index is Between OMG and WTF?????

As I sit here in my nice air conditioned office (which also is called the living room) listening to the kids watching “Higgly Town Heroes” I was thinking about taking them outside but as most of the country we here in Ohio are sitting in the middle of a heat wave….and a drought…..(don’t be jealous…LOL).

As I try to peel myself off my kitchen chair (my office chair broke) my skin is sticking to it (sorry about the visual) to go and feed the kids so CPS doesn’t get called on me (really I am a good mom) I step into the kitchen and feel like I stepped in an oven……but I braced myself and made the kids madagascar 3 macaroni and cheese all the while I felt like I was being roasted alive…..(not a good feeling).

Well anyhoo while I was roasting to oblivion (how long for this water to boil) I start thinking about Fifty Shades of Grey and thought to myself Ana would never be caught dead doing this…..unless Christian was going to do something in the RRoP with her…..all of the sudden I am in the RRoP and picturing my choice for Christian (William Levy) standing there with ripped jeans that are unbuttoned, I see him moving towards me with a come hither look and I find myself skipping towards him and I am in his arms and then all of the sudden…I hear “Mommmmmmmmmmm where is my lunch? Nothing like a kid to spoil a moment……

All of the sudden I realize that I am sweating profusely, and then my daughter asked who is Christian???? that is not dad’s name……OMG…will she tell my husband I said another mans name…. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest….(I had to come up with something)…I look at her like a deer caught in a headlight, I know that is not daddy’s name I was just reading aloud…..and she asked where is your book, mommy?

By then I was hoping the floor would open up and swallow me whole….I had to think fast, I was reading about it on twitter one of my Pickle Posse was posting about someone named Christian..(ha, ha good save) then she asked me about Pickle Posse and I told her it was a group of online friends and that is was nothing for her to worry about….

She looked at me and said…OK and walked out of the kitchen, and went upstairs, just then I realized Holy Crap I have got to watch what I say , the old saying little pictures have big ears applies here….And then I was transported back to the RRoP and William is standing there in all his Grey Glory and then he opened up his mouth to speak I heard..Mommmmmmmmmmm where is my lunch ??? Damn your timing……So I finished lunch fed the kids and decided we were def. not going out today..I am going to stay in and read my FSoG for the 5th time…..Reading that book does make the heat index feel like OMG…….

By Jaded1

29 And Holding

Well it has happened another birthday has come and gone, and I realize the world is not going to stop so I can hang on to the last of the 40’s, I now realize why women are obsessed with the age of 29 and holding onto that age.

What was I doing when I was 29? I was single, no responsibilities, no one to answer too just me, me, me and while I can see how selfish that sounds, sometimes I miss the woman I was at 29..I was no ones wife, no ones mother just Gail now as I am facing the latter half of my life I actually sometimes catch myself mourning the woman I was and wonder where she disappeared to.

The one thing I do realize now is that if I would have had my children when I was in my 20’s as selfish as I was it would not have been fair to them because all I cared about was me and what I wanted to do, now that I am an “older” mom I now realize that I actually make a much better mother now, I got to enjoy my youth and settled down at the right time in my life and was blessed with 2 beautiful children I thought I would never have.

So as I reflect on the first half of my life and feel sad about missing who I was back then, all I need to do is look into the eyes of my two precious babies and know that I have a lot of living to do yet and if I want to be 29 and holding then I should be allowed to, doesn’t make me a bad mom or wife, it makes me a woman who is old enough to appreciate her past and embrace her future….

By Jaded1

Slumber Parties By Dana B.

If you are looking for Fifty Shades of Grey Inspired Products then this is the page for you, I know all of you out there have been enthralled with Mr.Grey…now you can relive your favorite scenes by using many of the products my friend sells..go check her out and tell her I sent you……Sweet Grey Dreams, you can either contact her about having your very own FSoG themed in home party, or just buy your fave products online and recreate your fave scene or scenes from FSoG in your own home.

By Jaded1

What Is Ahead for William Levy

Now that Dancing With The Stars is over and William is free to explore other projects and roles, it seems at the present time he can ride this wave of popularity anywhere he would want to take it.

There are many projects out there but the most popular right now and the one that is asking the question is William Levy “Christian Grey”, Unless you have been on another planet there is a trio of books by E.L James, the first being 50 Shades of Grey an erotic thriller that is sure to send any William Levy fan into a frenzy(paraphrasing Bruno) if he was cast in the part of the eccentric young millionaire who has a taste for Sadomasochism.

William has the looks and fits the part perfectly that is why there is a movement that is working to get William the part, William has not commented as to if he would even take the part..(but it is an amazing part) but with that being said, they want him to be considered for the part he would be going up against actors such as Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) and Robert Pattison (of Twilight Fame).

With the popularity the fan favorite has enjoyed the entire 14th season of Dancing With The Stars has proven the old adage “Strike while the iron is hot” and with his striking good looks it would be a wonderful combination if he was chosen and offered the part of Christian Grey, with the characters he has portrayed in numerous Telenovelas such as “Sorteleigo”, Arrcolada, Trifun de Amor he has the talent and chops to handle this sort of role…

As I see it the future is wide open and many producers and directors should be beating a path to his door, this casting could possibly rival the hunt for “Scarlett O’Hara” in Gone With The Wind.

Stay tuned William Levy is going to go places……

Raising A Daughter In Today’s World

As I look at my beautiful eight year old daughter the question that pops into my mind the most is “Am I  preparing my daughter for today’s world?” Let’s face it girls today face many, many more situations then we ever did. I remember growing up and my biggest worry was if I was going to have a date on Friday night, or if this blemish would go away before I went to school in the morning.

With the social media explosion, the very skinny models, and the emphasis on looks how can you tell an eight year old that she is beautiful no matter what. The other day my daughter who is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen (and yes I am biased) looked at me and said mommy why am I taller than a lot of the girls in my class ? True she is the tallest, the other girls are tiny little things I just look at her and tell her that everyone is an individual, that although one girl may be tiny, there are other girls that tower over other girls, each girl is beautiful in her own way.

But just as I say that my mind goes back to that awkward stage when you are still a little girl and not quite a teenager yet and you have the weird things happening and feelings that you don’t know what to do with and how my mom never took the time to tell me what was going on.  I didn’t even know what a period was until I came home from school horrified thinking something was wrong with me and my mother brought a belt (yes you heard me right) and an old fashioned pad and told me to put it on, and she walked out and nothing else was said.

My daughter walked in on me one day and asked me what was happening, and I stood there in shock but realized that I needed to sit her down and explain to her what she had just seen. I didn’t want to scare her so I just told her that one day soon she will be growing up and things will happen that may scare her but that it will be alright , she can come to me and ask me or tell me about anything and I promised her I would be open and honest with her, I didn’t want her to find out about things like I did, I want her to know exactly what is happening to her body and why.

She is in the midst of her first major crush on a boy the other day I picked her up from school and he was standing in the hallway with his mom, and my daughter blew a kiss at him and told him good bye…he turned beet red and walked away, his mom thought it was cute but my daughter was horrified and thought she did something wrong and started to cry.  I told her that boys her age are not really into liking girls right now and that he was just a little shy and embarrassed that was all.

After I put her into bed that night and tucked her in and kissed her gently, I went to go tuck my son in and when I came back into her room I just stood there and looked at that beautiful little face and I just felt in adequate and I made it my mission that I was going to help my daughter become a confident and compassionate young woman.

All I can keep telling her is that she is beautiful and she can be anything that she wants to be, don’t let any one disrespect her, stand up for her beliefs, and be the best woman she can be. If  I can instill those ideas in her then I know she can face the future and be OK……

By Jaded1

Sometimes You Find An Unexpected Blessing

Sometimes it’s the hardest thing in the world to look at a completely negative situation and some how find the good in it. There’s not a chance in the world to see anything positive coming out of it, right? You want to try so hard to find that light at the end of the tunnel or to stick to the ‘everything happens for a reason’ mentality. Feelings of weakness just consume every aspect of who you are. But through the toughest situations, the situations where you’re in disbelief that it’s actually happening to you. You have nothing but to hold it all together, even when you have every right to break down and fall apart. That’s when true strength reveals itself.

Unfortunately, things that you least expect are taken away from you, in ways that are completely obscene. You’re left to think that things do happen for a reason and there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel, because well.. that’s all you have to believe in. You need to trust your struggle because you think it will all be worth it in the end. You ask, “Why me!?” The reason behind it is that God has an even bigger plan for you. Think of it as simply a blessing in disguise ♥

Unthinkable Tragedy

As the events of this weekend unfold the tragic loss of two little boys at the hands of their father is not only unthinkable but heartbreaking; Charlie Powell 7 and Braden Powell 5 were killed in a horrific manner by their father during a supervised visit.

The social worker dropped them off at the door and after the 2 boys ran in the father slammed and locked the door so the social worker could not get in and it is unimaginable what was waiting for the boys when they got inside, their father had planned everything out from taking their books and toys and donating them, leaving messages with family, friends and even his pastor telling them what they needed to do after the murder/suicide.

As the mother of an 8 year old and a 5 year old this especially hits home with me, children are so trusting and depend on us to take care of them, I don’t know how parents can look at their children and see those trusting eyes looking up at them and do something so horrible to them, the only comfort that I can take is that those two little angels are now in a safe and better place where no one can ever hurt them again..as for their father I pray that he will never rest in peace.

I have created a page for the family please visit and join and leave your good thoughts


Rest in peace Charlie and Braden, may you finally be back in the arms of your mommy……God’s speed little angels.

By Jaded1

One Day Left

I have been promoting my friend Denise’s project and it is getting down to the deadline and I thought you would like to hear from Denise…so here it is……

First of all, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has already backed my book project. That means so much to me, and is a wonderful vote of confidence! I truly appreciate each and every one of you that has pledged so far.

If you have not yet pledged, won’t you please do it now? With less than 3 days left, it is important to get the support of as many people as possible, right now. This is a book that will be helpful to many people, and if you know anyone who wants to write for a living— this is the book for them.

The project has exceeded 30% of the goal, and Kickstarter’s own stats tell us that 90% of the projects that get this far end up being funded. So….I am going to spend all my waking hours in the next three days trying to shove it over the top, and I am hoping that I can count on some of you to help me push….

How can you help? If you are a blogger, you can write a post about Kickstarter and my project, if you are an avid Facebook user, you can post about the project on your page or share my posts about it, if you like Twitter, a short Tweet with a link would be helpful. In short, the more it gets “out there” the more it will help. I really appreciate any little bit you can do to make this dream a reality.

Let’s help make this a done deal so Denise can go on and help millions of people with this book….thank you click on this link to be taken to the page…..


By Jaded1